Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens…

“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,

brown paper packages,tied up with strings,

These are a few of my favorite things. “

The tiniest of things sometimes bother us in such large ways that it is foolish of us to ignore the enormity of our daily hassles! Hushh! This very sentence reflects my present state of mind.Overly complicating and hyperventilating over small things.

I wonder,why is it that negativity is contagious? Just an insignificant thing like a traffic jam can evoke extreme emotions of irritation,anger and resentment,while on the other hand the small joys of life like buds blossoming into fresh radiant flowers, raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens can hardly bring a smile on your face. Come to think of it the ratrace that life is these days has compelled us to become ignorant of the tiny things that used to make life worth living for.And all that remains now is the constant chase after the big huge success that we all fantasize about.

What I intend to do today is incorporate some chill into my life ! So when something goes wrong,all I am going to do is sing along, “Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens…….”Remember all the tiny things you love,your baby’s smile or your best friend’s laughter, the sound of the ocean or the game that you won faster! Don’t give the negativity,stress and anxiety the power to affect you.Instead let it drive you …

One reason is enough

I’ve wanted to write this since a very long time,but i took my time because i wanted it to actually make sense to the people who originally differed.

Like everyone my age,I too watched the famous netflix TV series,“13 reasons why” and I was amazed with the courage of the entire team,to go ahead with it,knowing that their show would no doubt receive mixed reviews.

Of what I have understood from the show is that their main aim was to open discussions about the issue,about teen suicides,make them aware of how your little insignificant actions can make a lot of difference to someone.Even make them decide between life and death.
While many people believe that the choice of hannah baker to end her life was “overdramatic” ” attention seeking “even, I beg to differ.Everyone goes through a lot in their teens,and of what I’ve seen,everyone has issues.

 So there are these friends of mine who believe that suicide is the “weaker ” option,an easy way out ,because you can’t face it.They say that everyone is sad sometimes,but not everyone commits suicide.

What I want to point out is ,that suicide is a choice,its not a simpler way out, killing yourself is not an easy task.You cannot undermine someone because they cannot deal with their anxiety or panic.

I know someone,who lives with anxiety day in and day out.And is well aware that some actions are completely irrational and yet,they cannot control it. Well that is because they are ill.It isn’t physical,its mental.And we have got to understand that it needs treatment,everyday,just like the flu or diarrhea.

We’ve all got to realise,now that mental illnesses have claimed so many lives,that it is not all dramatic,or fictional.It is extremely real.Whether we want to accept it,or not.

What the show intends to do according to me is,that they want you to realise that even one tiny reason can blowup into something huge.

There are people out there in the world,wicked people,who commit crimes,and of course the rapist is to blame for killing that girls soul,but equally responsible is the person who knew about it,and did nothing.Did nothing because he believed that her reaction was ” overdramatic”,and that is why this person decided to push all of that under the table and forget about it.

Come to think of it,this person is the coward here.Because he didn’t have the courage to face it,take responsibility, and provide help,instead,he/she decided to take the easy way out.

This is the easy way out.To know that someone is depressed and deciding to turn away.

She died.

Because no one decided to even talk about the minor issues that were haunting her day and night.

She killed herself.Just like hundreds of people out there.

Not only because bad things happened to her,but also because there were people out there,who knew something was wrong,but did nothing about it.

I hope this makes sense to some people.

I rest my case.

Not a hero,but I love him anyway…

No he isn’t my hero,

He makes mistakes all the time,

Like messing up the kitchen,

And forgetting where he keeps things,every day,all the time.

No he isn’t my idol either,

He gave his ambitions the backseat.

He taught me how to overeat and gain a 100 pounds,

And to reach at the last minute,for all our trips and rounds.
However,he is my daddy,

Full of faults and mistakes,

He taught me how to pick up all the good qualities,

From every person who comes my way.

He taught me what to value in life,

Its family that you come back home to each day.

He is my daddy,that is who he is,

And I love him for all his ways !

For all the mom’s

As my mother is nearing her 53rd birthday she has fits of anxiety when she asks me”What will happen when I grow older?How will I live without my children next to me?!Life will become so bleak”

 I think to myself,even I am not going to remain a 18year old all my life.Right now our lives are intwined with those of our parents,friends,neighbours,etc but in the course of time these ties may separate.Her fear is completely justified.My mom and me like most daughter and mom’s are almost like bestfriends…We go shopping together,watch movies and gossip all the time.But practically speaking not always am I gonna have the time to do all this all the time.
Like Charlie Chaplin said”Nothing is permanent,not even our troubles.”This statement can either make you sad or make you happy,the choice is with you.:) Everything in life has two sides to it is what I truly believe and it all depends on our way of perceiving it.Optimism or pessimism,what do you choose?
Obviously we are gonna grow old,go different ways,have new lives,new likes,dislikes,we are also probably going to change our way of life.Its just the way it is.

Change is good,because a stagnant life just like stagnant water only becomes a breeding ground for dirt and unpleasantness.

 For people of my mother’s age,your children are gonna learn to fly and then fly away from your nest and later build one of their own,but that does not mean that your life stops!Everyperson must live for himself/herself.Though companionship is the need of all humans never let your only your family be the centre of your life,let there be space for your work,your friends,and lastly let there be space for your self!

My tip for my mom: Enjoy the solitude that you have now that I have flown away a little,and whenever you need me I am gonna be there in a blink of an eye,always!

Crazy or different?

Anything different is madness.Deviance is madness.

As I read through the experiences of Veronica,the protagonist of Paolo Coelho’s “Veronica decides to die” the writer beautifully depicts the psyche of madmen as we call them.

Very naively Veronica asks “what is madness? ” And I would like to answer that considering all that I’ve learnt and understood about the world as a psychologist in the making.Deviance,different,strange or maybe unique are all synonymous to madness.In psychological terms,anything atypical to the culture and society we live in is a dysfunction.’Seedhi bhasha mein ‘ if you see things differently, perceive and believe contrary to others ,and possess the courage to digress from the majority,more often than not,you are coined as crazy.

The story shows the freedom the patients have as patients,under 24*7 surveillance.Ironic isn’t it? Paradoxical even.While out in the free world they are scared to express their fantasies and the closed walls of the hospital make them feel liberated from all constraints.

Now I tried very hard to analyse what was wrong with this definition of deviance is madness and I realized it was the interpretation of it.We jump to conclusions,putting people into categories the moment we look at them.

And even if they are mad as you would like to call them ,why does it make you like them less? Why can’t you embrace the different,without any labels or judgements?And if you can’t accept them,why dont you just let them be…?

Tell me of your life

Tell me of your life,dear,

How often do you drop a tear?

I am happy mother,

My life is sorted and clear.
But oh honey,

Are you not depressed?

Not stressed?

Not on the flee like the rest?
My hunger for success is long satiated,mother,

The plea for wealth well accepted,

There is no reason holding me back,

Then why should I lay harassed? 
Well,your relationships lie in tatters,

The wealth not at all matters,

Is this what you wanted all along? 

Wasn’t running after  worldly pleasures always wrong?
Alas,I have become one of them now mother,

Stuck in the rat race of life for no reason,
My question should be changed then my dear,

How often do you smile,cry,laugh 

and  live your life dear?

Let my dreams be free and wild…

If not my actions,

atleast let my dreams be free and wild,

Drop the shackles of traditions and customs,

And flow with the present tide.
Restricting my imagination,

with all your might,

I don’t know why you can’t understand,

That I will fight for my right.
I will fight for my right,

My right to decide my fate,

I will make mistakes,

But be happy till the last date.


But you are not letting the chains loose,

Still gripping me tight,

Let me escape now soon,I plead,

I do not,want to fight.
Fine,I give in,

Give in to your stubborn mind,

I will never be happy now,

In this pointless grind.
My actions are controlled,by you,and by the world,

Nothing is left now of my aspirations,saving my sweet new born.

My sweet little child,born now in this world of lies,

If not my actions atleast let his be free and wild.